Sid Walker's Fearless Prospecting Mindset
INCREASE YOUR PROSPECTING by overcoming sales call reluctance & prospecting avoidance!
Sales Performance Coach — Best-Selling Author — Speaker — Champion of the Low-Key Approach to Selling — Founder of
Sid Walker...
is a pioneer in his field of expertise: selling yourself with integrity. As a management consultant and sales performance coach for 35 years, he has consistently demonstrated his ability to find innovative solutions to succeeding in business where everybody wins.
He has coached Presidents of Fortune 100 companies, 100’s of Fortune 500 executives, 1,000’s of top salespeople from the best known companies, entrepreneurs, medical doctors, dentists, attorneys, CPA’s, CFP’s, consultants, and many others from a wide variety of occupations. All these people had one thing in common — they wanted to be more comfortable, confident, and effective selling themselves to potential clients and customers.
40 years of coaching has taught me the two most important skills you can learn are: 1. Ignore the negative voice of the ego. 2. Trust your intuitive instincts as if the quality of your life depends on it. It does!
Find Your Motivation...
Discover the Source of Fear & Doubt...
Learn to Ignore the Negative Ego...
Reprogram Your Mind to be Fearless...
Learn to Live in the Zone...
Find the Voice of Your Intuitive Genius...
Discover Your Courage to Act...
If you can dive into a cold swimming can overcome your call reluctance!